Monday, July 11, 2011

Field and Stream:TOC A Demo Review

Field & Stream: T.O.C.
A demo review by Joel R.

So, I'm pretty sure you've never played Field & Stream magazine’s hunting game. Come to think of it, you've probably never played any hunting game because of one simple thing: hunting games suck. Not that the idea of a hunting is bad. The idea of wandering the woods and slaughtering wildlife is awesome! It's just that hunting games always do such a bad job at it.

So, the demo begins with one of the most awkward interfaces possible. Simply moving around is a freaking chore. Finally, I managed to get to the item select screen and once again, I was confused. I'm sure if I was really into hunting I'd give a damn about what rifle I bought or what the hell the difference is between different barrel lengths. But I'm not into hunting so I just chose the following random assortment of crap: a camo colored rifle, a hunting scope and just for fun, a poop shaped mystery item! (More on that later)

After this, the game plopped me down in some shitty looking grass facing a pond. I won't spend much time talking about the graphics since I'm pretty sure you all expected them to be terrible. Suffice to say, they didn't disappoint and did, in fact, look like crap.

I started moving around and it was then that I discovered how horrifyingly bad this game controls. Normally, I'd just try to describe the games slow movements or how imprecise the aim was, but no, this game simply out does itself at being complete crap. First of all, I play inverted, so when I went to the menu to switch over I discovered that the designers didn't think anyone would ever want to play this game inverted (or rather they thought nobody would ever play it at all) and decided not to include it. Oh well, I'll deal. Then I took my first step. The entire game screen shook and my controller began convulsing uncontrollably. I thought I was being attacked and looked around for any enemies, but there was nothing but the absurdly loud sounds of chirping birds. I took another step and the same thing happened: shaking screen and insanely long vibrating. I barely pressed the control stick down and was able to barely move with out the game freaking out. I'm guessing that the game wanted to simulate what hunting was really like, forcing you to creep along through the woods. Having never hunted, I can only assume this means that, in real life hunting, hunters can't move faster than a slow crawl or else they'll fall over and have an epileptic fit. So, I finally said screw it and just broke out into a shaky, spasm filled run.

Oh well, at least I get a gun I thought. I then began to wonder where my gun was. It was surprisingly absent from the screen. I began pressing buttons and realized that the game didn't really seem to care. Its as if the game got more annoyed than anything and finally, my gun appeared randomly. I'm still not sure what combination of button presses made it magically appear. So, now, with gun in hand I began walking through the shaky vision of my screen attempting to find some deer or something to kill.

The game was attempting to help me the best it could and suggested I use my “hunter vision.” Once turned on, I was able to “see smells.” Now, I was surprised to see this. Its as if the game was attempting to make up for the shitty controls with really boring super powers. Even worse was the fact that the only smell I could see was poop. Imagine having this super power, the power to see poop really well. I feel like it would only make your life worse.

So, there I go, shaking along, following glowing piles of crap and I see some fuzzy brown shapes in the distance. Holy crap, I've finally found some freaking deer! The game suggested that I use my deer call to bring them closer. Not that I needed to bring them closer. As soon as they heard me coming through the trees they promptly turned tail and became stuck in the nearest tree.

Look at this crap.

Now, remember that mystery poop shaped item? Apparently, it was a deer call. I began pressing all sorts of buttons again and magically, after pressing buttons for no less than a full minuet, the brown turd call appeared. It sounded like a dying duck. I mean, I've never heard a duck die, but after hearing the horrifying sounds of the deer call, I'm pretty sure that if a duck was dying, it would sound like that deer call. I'm serious, diarrhea sounds better than this deer call. Also, it didn't work! The deer were too busy being stuck in a tree to care about my horrible turd call.

So, I said screw it and figured I'd be an unsportsmanlike bastard and shoot their asses out of the trees. Then I discovered yet another terrible thing. Once you bring out your deer call, there's no going back. I'm serious, I sat there jamming buttons in vain, hoping to see my gun again. No suck luck. All I ended up doing was continue to spasm while the screen shook and the horrifying deer call squawked out its terrible noise over and over.

So, that is the image I leave you with. An epileptic hunter in the woods, jumping and spasming, blowing on a diarrhea deer call a foot away from digital deers stuck head first in some shitty looking trees.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Movies that need to stop being made...NOW

Lets face it, the film industry has never been good at originality, but these days it seems that an almost terrifying amount of sequels, series and rip-offs are being made. But even still, there are those select films and series that seem to rise to the cream of the crap. These are the films that continue to be made, regardless of the fact that there are too many or they're just plain horrible. Here are some that just need to stop.

1. Movies about men dressing up as fat women

Worst offenders (big mama's house, Norbit, Every Madea movie ever)
Its hard to believe that cross dressing as a morbidly obese woman has become almost common in normal theaters. It sounds like some kind of awkward fetish. I mean, at first, it just seemed like a horrifying little experiment dreamed up by the remake of The Nutty Professor, but over the past decade we've seen no less than 2 other major actors rip this idea off. There's been two nutty professor movies (Eddy murphy plays a whole family of horribly fat cretins), 3 big momma movies, and God knows how many Madea movies Tyler Perry's made. Whats horrible is that all of these movies seem to hinge on one single joke that we're suppose to keep laughing at. I get it, its not a fat sassy lady, its a dude. Honestly, it just screams desperation from the actors portraying them. Nothing says "I've completely lost my pride and dignity" like cross dressing for millions of Americans for a full length major motion film.

2. Super Hero Movies

(X-men: first class, Thor, Spider man re re remake, super man re re re make, Batman re re remake)
Don't get me wrong, I love super heroes. The batman shirt I'm wearing can attest to that. But stop making them so damn fast Hollywood. I get it Hollywood, we're in a recession and you need to make movies that you think will make money. Also, I know that Sam Rami didn't do the best job with the Spider man movies and that the new Superman movie wasn't the best variation of the son from kripton, but that doesn't give you a reason to remake them once. Why am I bitching about this? Well, because like it or not America's getting a tidal wave of new super hero movies. Lets take a run down of whats coming out soon, shall we.
Thor, X-men remake, Spiderman remake, Batman remake, Superman remake, The Avengers, The Green Lantern, Ant man (seriously?), Captain America, Conan remake, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Iron Man, Kick Ass, Red Sonja, Another Wolverine movie (because the last one was so good)
holy crap! Keep in mind that most of this list has already been made (or remade) before. How the hell do you expect us to keep caring about all this Hollywood?

3. A Christmas Carol

Offenders (all of them, every single damn one)
Ok, so I know its not Christmas, but I'm trying to put a stop to another one of these things being made. Almost every Christmas, someone dreams up another incantation of Dicken's classic. Don't believe me? ok, fine, heres the list of all the years that A Christmas Carol has been made (thanks to IMDB):

A Christmas Carol (1908)
A Christmas Carol (1910)
A Christmas Carol (1914)
A Christmas Carol (1938)
A Christmas Carol (1943) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1947) (TV)
The Christmas Carol (1949) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1950) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1951)
A Christmas Carol (1969) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1971) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1977) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1981) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1982/I) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1984) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (1994) (V)
A Christmas Carol (1997)
A Christmas Carol (1999) (TV)
A Christmas Carol (2000) (TV)

A Christmas Carol (2004) (V)
A Christmas Carol (2009)

And thats not to mention all the spin off and Holiday Specials as well:

Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962)
Ebenezer Scrooge (Scrooge) (1970)
Skinflint: A Country Christmas Carol (1979) (TV)
A Christmas Carol at Ford's Theatre (1979) (TV)
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Carol (1979) (TV)
Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983)
Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988) (TV)
Scrooged (1988)
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (1989) (TV)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
A Flintstones Christmas Carol (1994) (TV)
Bah, Humbug!: The Story of Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' (1994) (TV)
An All Dogs Christmas Carol (1998) (V)
A Diva's Christmas Carol (2000) (TV)
A Carol Christmas (2003) (TV)

A Christmas Carol: The Musical (2004) (TV)
A Carol of Christmas (2005)
A Sesame Street Christmas Carol (2006) (V)
Barbie in 'A Christmas Carol' (2008) (V)
Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure (2009) (TV)
A Christmas Carol: Capturing a Christmas Carol (2010)

Whats even worse is the high caliber of people making them. From directors Robert Zemeckis to Frank Oz and the high profile actors like Patrick Stuart, Jim Carry and Michael Cain.
Movie makers, realizing that you've got a problem is the first step. You need to stop this horrible addiction.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Godzilla: Final War, A Review

So, if you're like most people, you're probably aware of Godzilla, but have never heard of Godzilla: Final War. I'm a big Godzilla fan and I thought I'd do a little review. Let me share a tiny bit of Godzilla history to start off.
In 1998, Tristar came out with an "American" version of Godzilla, starring Matthew Broderick simply titled "Godzilla." As many of you know, this movie sucked.

"Oh no! My acting career!"

Toho, the studio who created Godzilla, was so horrified by how much that movie sucked, that they started making movies again to help reclaim Godzilla's right to be called the King of the Monsters. The result was 4 excellent modern monster movies, the best of which is the last one called Final War. Here is my review.

So, Final War begins with arguably, the best beginning to a movie ever: A gold dragon being blown up by a nuclear drill shaped submarine that shoots lasers. Also, mutants are now quite common and have formed into a earth defense force that flies around the world in fighter jets killing giant monsters. So, like I said, the best beginning to a movie ever.

Submarines with Drills are obviously better that regular ones.

At this point, all the monsters are inexplicably scooped up by a huge flying saucer that's driven by a bunch of aliens who are all dressed entirely in black pleather. This is of course, really bad ass. They have a few negative issues though, one being that they are really egotistical (which is obnoxious) and another is that they want to kill and eat everyone (also obnoxious). They announce the latter issue to the earth, start to blow the crap out of everything and let all the monsters they scooped up loose.

Cower before their black pleather jackets!!

Luckily, the earth still has a few cards up its sleeve. One is all the random ass kicking mutants that are everywhere and another is, of course, Godzilla. Oh, and there is this one completely random sword toting American as well.

You can tell this American is a bad ass by the size of his mustache.

Well, the mutants and the American go to free Godzilla (who is apparently frozen in a huge block of ice). They do this pretty damn quickly considering they need to fly from Japan to the South Pole, but who cares, Godzilla is finally in the movie!

Fuck Yes!

What follows is even more bad ass than the intro. Godzilla begins kicking the crap out of almost every monster he's ever fought, ever. This is accomplished by zooming around the world in a series of short 10-15 min fights. Also important to note is that he doesn't just win, he dominates the hell out of these monsters. This includes using every possible move that could be made by a man dressed in a rubber monster suit (which is surprisingly a lot). The movie even pulls out the random monsters of Godzilla's past like"King Cesar" and "Giant Spider."

Godzilla: Takin' care of business

My favorite fight is the where Godzilla tail whips the American Godzilla (or "Zilla" as Toho refers to him) into the Sydney opera house, making it explode while Sum 41 plays in the background (yes, this actually happens). the proof.

At the same time as all the monster mashing is going on, the mutants are trying to fight the aliens. How do they do this you ask? Why, by a high speed motorcycle fight of course. The aliens are also ninjas and of course, they ride on Kawasaki ninja bikes. Some nice Ninja on Ninja action for you.

Like this but with more ninjas and lasers guns.

So, as this is happening, the leader of the aliens, who is named X (he chose it because he though it made him sound like a bad ass) is getting increasingly more pissed off. This is pretty understandable since he's pretty much getting his shit fucked up on two fronts. He finally manages to catch all the mutants and the American. He then releases his last monster, who he named "Monster X" and ends up having to fight the mutants while Godzilla fights the monster.

At first, it seems like the movie is actually going to pit Godzilla against a new monster, but no, That would be stupid. Instead, Monster X turns out to be none other than Godzilla's own worst enemy ever, King Ghidorah!

Shit just got real.

Meanwhile, the American now has to fend off three ninja aliens and does pretty good until the last one, who is a girl. He tells her that he would never punch a girl and promptly karate chops her in the face, killing her instantly. God bless America.

Anyways, Godzilla's still fighting King Ghidorah who is doing pretty damn good against him. Nothing really happens for a while but then, all of a sudden, Godzilla gets a super power burst and starts punching the hell out of King Ghidorah. Just when you think they've both had enough, Godzilla completely kicks his ass! At this point, he doesn't just kill him, he decapitates him! Three fucking times!

After this, Godzilla's pretty proud of himself so he starts roaring and breaking things and the mutants finally killed X the alien with some super stylized ninja fighting. The rest of the movie is pretty much the same as that, only with everything blowing up all over the place and X yelling NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

X the Alien and his bald friend getting all pouty

Anyways, that's pretty much all I have to say. Its a great movie that shows up now and then on the Sci Fi Network so if it comes on, you should definitely see it!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Bunch of Reasons Why I Didn't Like the New Alice in Wonderland

If you've gone to see the new Alice in Wonderland movie you know two things: one, Tim Burton can still pull off a stylized movie with plenty of fashionable flare, and two, Tim Burton also can't tell a good script from a bad script.
Well, maybe that last one isn't quite fair. Perhaps, I should say that Disney can no longer tell a good script from a bad script. Actually, its not that surprising though when you consider that the script was penned by Linda Woolverton, the same screenplay writer who wrote the scripts for both The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast. Maybe its her that can't tell a good script from a bad script? Who knows!?

Lets talk about what went wrong shall we?

One issue is with how the story is told in general. In both the book and the 1951 version, Alice is the least highlighted character. With the exception of the beginning, you really don't notice Alice much. Instead, the focus is more on the experiences she has and the characters that she meets. The reason for this is not to ignore Alice, but to make you feel as if you ARE Alice. You see things much like she sees things. In life, you don't notice your self but you notice other people and other places that seem strange to you. This is what makes the movie and book's characters so memorable. This idea is completely thrown out the window in the new movie. It attempts to not only highlight the strange world and characters, but highlights Alice's life and feelings as well. The end result is that both feel washed over. You never feel that you've fully experienced Wonderland and Alice's story just feels awkward and forgotten until the end.

Pictured above: Tim Burton ignoring the main character

Another annoying this is how they butchered the characters. Let me tear apart a minor character for a second to better tell you what I mean. Take the door mouse. In the book, there is a goofy interaction between the March Hair, the Mad Hatter and the Door Mouse. The Door Mouse was simply a sleepy character that only moved when provoked and was happy to simply nap, even when being tossed around by the March Hair and the Mad Hatter. In the new movie, they erase the whole sleepy mouse thing and basically copy and paste a generic fantasy mouse instead. New Door Mouse (as I feel like calling it) is just like reepicheep, despereaux, and every other sword swinging mouse that has ever come along in fantasy. They just hollowed out the original character and filled the empty shell with a newer and much more boring personality. This way of doing this is awful and can be seen repeated over and over in both the characters and nonsensical plot.

This character especially sucks

Of course, not all of them are simply generic fantasy stand by types. Others are just plain stupid. Take the caterpillar for instance. Its been turned into an awkward sage who never makes any sense, yet everyone keeps coming to him for his confusing gibberish he calls advice. Or the Mad Hatter, aka Johnny Depp as a drunk irish skitzophreniac. Yea, it makes just about as much sense in the film as it does here. What were they thinking?

The Caterpillar: ugly and confusing

Ok, here's my last point before I stop bitching about all this. I want to talk about the queens. In the new movie, they have two queens, the Queen of Hearts and the White queen. This is stupid. Let me tell you why. In the original books by Lewis Carroll, there were three queens total. The Queen of Hearts, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the Red and White queens from Through the Looking Glass. Through the Looking Glass was, in part, imagined by Carroll as a chess game where there were two queens, a white queen from the white pieces and a red queen from the red pieces. In the new movie, they simply smash two of the three queens together for no good reason. The queen of hearts is a monarch and the white queen is a plastic game piece. They just don't belong together. Its just silly to think about. Imagine Queen Elizabeth waging war against a checker piece. It's plain to me that the main people behind this had little to no interest in understanding the original pieces of literature and just threw this crap story together.

Who will win!?

I guess thats all I really have to say. I know I'm being nit picky, but really this movie won't be remembered or cherished the way the books or original Disney movie are and the reasons, for me at least, are as obvious as the Queen of Hearts new awkward, confusingly over sized head.

But the visuals looked nice at least.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Rip-Stick is dumb


There are many decisions to make when choosing transportation. For instance, you might want to use roller blades because of their small size, regardless of how silly hey make you look or maybe you want to use a car because of its speed even though it pollutes.

Well, what if I told you that there was a form of transportation that was both slow AND made you look stupid? Oh and as an added bonus, it had a terrible name!

Meet the rip stick!

Yes, this stupid thing exists.

It provides all the inconvenience and lameness that two wheels screwed to two wiggling boards can afford.
Honestly, I can hardly imagine the target audience that this invention had in mind. I mean, who exactly is out there saying to themselves "I wish there was an awkward skateboard thing that was slow, hard to use, and made you look like you were having a seizure when you tried to use it"

When I did a google search, I had a hard time finding pictures of people riding the Rip Stick. Probably because nobody wants too. Even the people in the adds looked unhappy.

Pictured above: A girl who's probably wishing her parents got her a real skateboard for Christmas

It even has a website (which refers to its owners as "ripstikers") It has a video trying to teach people how to ride the awful thing. One moment features a little chubby kid holding on to his friend who's trying not to teeter over on to his face. The site admits that its hard, but tries to make up for it by promising "instant fun" once you master the wiggle board.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Group Projects: Why I hate them

In the past semester I've been complaining way too much about group projects and why I don't like them. So, I'm just getting it out of my system right here and now.

I've put up a pic of a nuke to demonstrate what my brain looks like when I hear I've got another group project assigned.

Just for fun, here are some reasons why I hate group projects.

1. Its like the teacher is saying to you "I don't want to do my job teaching you, so you do it"

2. Its more stress than you need, trying to balance a bunch of people's schedules together.

3. The teacher is supposed to be the best one at teaching, as well as being an expert on what ever class they are teaching. Why then, do teachers want students (people who aren't equipped to teach) to teach themselves AND the class!

4. Its a waste of time. Rather than the teacher just giving you information, they force you to go out and get it, even though they already know it. Think of all the information and learning that could be passed along in the time it takes to "form a group."

5. Many times they also want you to make a "presentation" out of your research which is a waste of time for two reasons: one, these are often too long and the students often simply waste time. two, the students are not (or should be) as good of teacher as the instructor of the class. This means that the teacher is forfeiting their own good teaching, for clumsy student teaching.

theres probably more, but i'm too tired to write it.
blah, screw group projects.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Endless Ocean

I've been playing Endless Ocean all weekend and I'm pretty much in love with it. Yea, the story is kind of cheesy and the graphics could be a little better, but hey, for what it's worth, it's a great package with a ton of stuff to do for only $30.
The big thing for me is the treasure hunting and fish discovery, but I'm just stoked over the new locations. Exploring a murky portion of the amazon then flying over to the Red Sea, followed by Antarctica is just awesome. Not to mention that you get to deck out not only your diver but your own personal island! Add in a ton of side quests, a bunch of achievements and this game is just what I need to get me through my stressful mid terms.