Monday, April 12, 2010

The Rip-Stick is dumb


There are many decisions to make when choosing transportation. For instance, you might want to use roller blades because of their small size, regardless of how silly hey make you look or maybe you want to use a car because of its speed even though it pollutes.

Well, what if I told you that there was a form of transportation that was both slow AND made you look stupid? Oh and as an added bonus, it had a terrible name!

Meet the rip stick!

Yes, this stupid thing exists.

It provides all the inconvenience and lameness that two wheels screwed to two wiggling boards can afford.
Honestly, I can hardly imagine the target audience that this invention had in mind. I mean, who exactly is out there saying to themselves "I wish there was an awkward skateboard thing that was slow, hard to use, and made you look like you were having a seizure when you tried to use it"

When I did a google search, I had a hard time finding pictures of people riding the Rip Stick. Probably because nobody wants too. Even the people in the adds looked unhappy.

Pictured above: A girl who's probably wishing her parents got her a real skateboard for Christmas

It even has a website (which refers to its owners as "ripstikers") It has a video trying to teach people how to ride the awful thing. One moment features a little chubby kid holding on to his friend who's trying not to teeter over on to his face. The site admits that its hard, but tries to make up for it by promising "instant fun" once you master the wiggle board.




    Joel, you WISH you were as cool as these kids.

  2. As a competitive freestyle walker, I too share your hatred for those stupid thingy's.

  3. Hahaha. I don't own one, but I think they are pretty And quite a work out for your legs!
