Wednesday, February 17, 2010

7 Reasons why video games are better than movies

1. Sequels don't suck- Almost every movie sequel, with the exception of Terminator 2 and Aliens has sucked or at least hasn't been as good as the first. Video games hardly ever have this problem. Heck, legend of Zelda's franchise has been going strong since the late 80's and keep getting better. Even if you don't like the newer zeldas to the older you have to admit that at least video games have never had as bad a sequel as Transformers 2.

2. It's like books and movies put together- Let's face it, the melding of books and movies almost never works as well as it should. This is mostly because they are two completely different mediums. It's hard to represent something visually in a book and you can't make people read a lot of text in a movie no matter how well it's written. You can do both quite successfully in a video game, sometimes at the same time. Both good writing and a good visual narrative come together in video games, giving us the best of both worlds. You can have your cake and eat it too (unless the cake is a lie that is).

3. A much longer narrative - The length of movies have been pushed over the years but long movies, no matter how great the are, usually tend to become a drag when they hit the two and a half hour mark. Video games have exceeded this by leaps and bounds. Disregarding any replay most video games clock in at 10 hours. Heck, most RPGs are expected to take upwards of 20 hours. With the extra time, you have time for a more rich story and a better connection with the characters.

4. They fill the void of goriness - Lately, our movie have turned into big sissies. Even the goriest of movies these days pale in comparison to the slashers of the 80's. Fortunately, video games have come in to fill the void, pushing the boundaries of gore and violence. Earlier today, I used a drill to mulch up the face of a crazy, Tommy gun toting, drug addict. That's fantastic. Thank you video games.

5. Kids and adult media in one - With the exception of Disney/Pixar, most kids movies suck if your not a kid. This makes it hard for kids and adults to enjoy the same movie. This is far from the truth in video games. Heck, just mention mario kart and people of all ages will want to play. Not only that, but a lot of modern video games like mario galaxy and Little Big Planet can be appropriate for kids, but also have depth and complexity of game play that hardcore gamers want, perfectly connecting to two different audiences.

6. A better connection with the story - Many movies are good at sucking you in or "taking you away" to a different place, but even in the best situations you are still someone simply watching. You have no control over anything thats happened and in that way you will always be an outsider. With video games it's not just you sharing in the adventure, you are actually living it (sort of). Video games suck you in by not only taking you to another place but by making you the main character. The main characters choices are your choices and their triumphs are your triumphs. Like wise, their losses are yours also, and in this way video games surpass movies by giving you a deeper connection with the characters that just isn't possible in movies.

7. No Shia Lebeouf or Nicholas Cage - As far as I know, Shia and Nick have stayed the heck away from video games (save for recordings in their respectively awful movies made into game performances). Lets hope to God that it stays that way.

1 comment:

  1. you're funny.

    And this actually makes a lot of sense even though I'm not a "video gamer"
